Based on Qt-6.3.0-everywhere opensource

The full list of released classes is in "Qt6 classes to Qt6Ada packages relation table.pdf"
The simple manual how to build Qt6Ada application can be readed in "How to use Qt6ada.pdf"

Built with:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 x64 Windows
  • gcc amd64 in Linux

Package tested with:

  • gnat gpl 2020 ada compiler in Windows 64bit ,
  • gnat gpl 2020 Linux amd64 Debian 11.1
  • Qt6Ada (Ada-2020 port to Qt 6.3.0 extended (qtgraphicaleffects qtgamepad qtspeech qtx11extras qtwinextras)

Qt6Ada released under GNU LGPLv3 license

See also AdaStudio WebPage