Overview of Ada 2022
Jeff Cousins
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3.3 Contracts for container operations

Container operation contracts (AI12-0112) specifies the checks to be performed upon entry to a container's subprograms. These are now expressed using Ada 2012 preconditions rather than English.
Checking of the preconditions by the containers' users can be suppressed using: 
pragma Suppress (Containers_Assertion_Check);
The aspects Nonblocking (AI12-0064-2). and Global (AI12-0079-3). are included in the contracts. Some postconditions are added for "easy" results (such as a requirement that a parameter be empty on return). Postconditions on language-defined operations are required to succeed (otherwise the implementation is wrong! – AI12-0179).

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© 2021, 2022 Jeff Cousins