-- Chapter 6 - Programming exercise 2 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Ch06_2 is package Long_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(LONG_FLOAT); use Long_IO; package Short_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(SHORT_FLOAT); use Short_IO; Long_Variable : LONG_FLOAT; Short_Variable : SHORT_FLOAT; begin Put_Line("For LONG_FLOAT,"); Put(LONG_FLOAT'FIRST); Put_Line(" is the minimum value"); Put(LONG_FLOAT'LAST); Put_Line(" is the maximum value"); Put_Line("For SHORT_FLOAT,"); Put(SHORT_FLOAT'FIRST); Put_Line(" is the minimum value"); Put(SHORT_FLOAT'LAST); Put_Line(" is the maximum value"); end Ch06_2; -- Result of execution -- For LONG_FLOAT -- ? is the minimum value -- ? is the maximum value -- For SHORT_FLOAT -- ? is the minimum value -- ? is the maximum value