-- Chapter 11 - Programming exercise 2 with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure CH11_2 is Char : CHARACTER; Index : INTEGER; Stuff : array(0..25) of CHARACTER; begin Char := 'A'; Index := 5 + CHARACTER'POS(Char); Put(Index, 7); Char := CHARACTER'VAL(Index); Put(Char); New_Line; Stuff(21) := 'X'; Index := 2 + CHARACTER'POS(Stuff(21)); Put(Index, 7); Stuff(0) := CHARACTER'VAL(Index); Put(Stuff(0)); New_Line; Char := CHARACTER'VAL(CHARACTER'POS(Char) + 1); Put(Char); Char := CHARACTER'SUCC(Char); Put(Char); end CH11_2; -- Result of execution -- 70F -- 90Z -- GH