-- Chapter 5 - Program 7 with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure DumbConv is X, Y : INTEGER; begin Put("Centigrade to Farenheight temperature table"); New_Line(2); for Count in INTEGER range -2..12 loop X := 10 * Count; Y := 32 + X * 9 / 5; Put("C ="); Put(X, 5); Put(" F ="); Put(Y, 5); if X = 0 then Put(" Freezing point of water"); end if; if X = 100 then Put(" Boiling point of water"); end if; New_Line; end loop; end; -- Result of execution -- Centigrade to Farenheit temperature table -- -- C = -20 F = -4 -- C = -10 F = 14 -- C = 0 F = 32 Freezing point of water -- C = 10 F = 50 -- C = 20 F = 68 -- C = 30 F = 86 -- C = 40 F = 104 -- C = 50 F = 122 -- C = 60 F = 140 -- C = 70 F = 158 -- C = 80 F = 176 -- C = 90 F = 194 -- C = 100 F = 212 Boiling point of water -- C = 110 F = 230 -- C = 120 F = 248