-- Chapter 6 - Program 3 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure BoolVars is package Bool_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO(BOOLEAN); use Bool_IO; Correct : BOOLEAN; Maybe : BOOLEAN; Probably : BOOLEAN; begin Correct := TRUE; -- TRUE Maybe := FALSE; -- FALSE Probably := Correct or Maybe; -- TRUE Probably := Correct and Maybe; -- FALSE Probably := Correct xor Maybe; -- TRUE Probably := Correct and not Maybe; -- TRUE Probably := BOOLEAN'FIRST; -- FALSE Probably := BOOLEAN'LAST; -- TRUE if Maybe < Correct then Put("FALSE is of less value than TRUE in a BOOLEAN variable"); New_Line; end if; Put(Correct, 8); Put(Maybe, 8); New_Line; end BoolVars; -- Result of execution -- FALSE is of less value than TRUE in a BOOLEAN variable -- TRUE FALSE