-- Chapter 8 - Program 3 with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Proced3 is Dogs, Cats, Animals : INTEGER; -- This is a procedure specification procedure Total_Number_Of_Animals(Variety1 : in INTEGER; Variety2 : in INTEGER; Total : out INTEGER); -- This is a procedure body procedure Total_Number_Of_Animals(Variety1 : in INTEGER; Variety2 : in INTEGER; Total : out INTEGER) is begin Total := Variety1 + Variety2; end Total_Number_Of_Animals; begin Dogs := 3; Cats := 4; Total_Number_Of_Animals(Dogs, Cats, Animals); Put("The total number of animals is"); Put(Animals, 3); New_Line; end Proced3; -- Result of execution -- The total number of animals is 7