-- Chapter 10 - Program 1 with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Array1 is N : INTEGER := 10; Dummy1 : array(INTEGER range 1..7) of BOOLEAN; Dummy2 : array(INTEGER range -21..N) of BOOLEAN; Dummy3 : array(-21..N) of BOOLEAN; type MY_ARRAY is array(1..5) of INTEGER; Total : MY_ARRAY; First : MY_ARRAY; Second : MY_ARRAY; Funny : array(1..5) of INTEGER; X,Y : array(12..27) of INTEGER; Fourth_Value : INTEGER renames First(4); begin First(1) := 12; First(2) := 16; First(3) := First(2) - First(1); Fourth_Value := -13; First(5) := 16 - 2 * First(2); for Index in 1..5 loop Second(Index) := 3 * Index + 77; end loop; Total := First; if Total = First then Put("Both arrays are the same size and contain "); Put_Line("the same values in all elements."); end if; for Index in 1..5 loop Total(Index) := Total(Index) + Second(Index); Funny(Index) := Total(Index) + First(6 - Index); Put("The array values are"); Put(Total(Index), 6); Put(Funny(Index), 6); New_Line; end loop; end Array1; -- Result of execution -- Both arrays are the same size and contain the same values in... -- The array values are 92 76 -- The array values are 99 86 -- The array values are 90 94 -- The array values are 76 92 -- The array values are 76 88