-- Chapter 11 - Program 2 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure String1 is Line : STRING(1..33); NAME : constant STRING := ('J','o','h','n'); JOB : constant STRING := "Computer Programmer"; Address : STRING(1..13) := "Anywhere, USA"; Letter : CHARACTER; EXAMPLE1 : constant STRING := "A"; -- A string of length 1 EXAMPLE2 : constant STRING := ""; -- An empty string begin Line := "This is a test of STRINGS in Ada."; Put(Line); New_Line; Put(NAME); Put(" is a "); Put(JOB); Put(" and lives in "); Put(Address); New_Line(2); Address(3) := 'X'; -- Individual letters Address(4) := 'Y'; -- Individual letters Address(10..13) := NAME(1..4); -- A slice Put(Address); New_Line; end String1; -- Result of execution -- This is a test of STRINGS in Ada. -- John is a Computer Programmer and lives in Anywhere, USA -- -- AnXYhere,John