-- Chapter 11 - Program 4 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure StrngCmp is MY_CAR : constant STRING := "Ford"; YOUR_CAR : constant STRING := "FORD"; Her_Car : STRING(1..8) := "Mercedes"; Rental : STRING(1..4); Lease : STRING(1..4); begin if MY_CAR /= YOUR_CAR then Put_Line("Case matters in a STRING constant or variable"); end if; Her_Car := "Ford "; -- This is still not equal to My_Car Rental := MY_CAR; Rental := "Junk"; Lease := Rental; If Rental = "Junk" then Put_Line("A variable can be compared to a string literal."); end if; end StrngCmp; -- Result of execution -- Case matters in a STRING constant or variable -- A variable can be compared to a string literal.