-- Chapter 19 - Program 3 with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure ArrayOps is type ARY_INT is array(1..6) of INTEGER; type ARY_BOOL is array(4..7) of BOOLEAN; Do_They_Compare : BOOLEAN; Crowd, Group1, Group2 : ARY_INT; Result, Answer1, Answer2 : ARY_BOOL; begin Group1 := (12, 17, -1, 3, -100, 5); Group2 := (13, -2, 22, 1, 1242, -12); Do_They_Compare := Group1 <= Group2; Do_They_Compare := Group1 > Group2; if Group1 = Group2 then Put("The arrays are equal."); New_Line; end if; -- Crowd := Group1 + Group2; -- Crowd := Group1 - Group2; -- Crowd := Group1 * Group2; -- Crowd := Group1 / Group2; -- Crowd := Group1 mod Group2; -- Crowd := Group1 rem Group2; Answer1 := (TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); Answer2 := (TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); Result := Answer1 and Answer2; Result := not Answer2; Result := Answer1 or Answer2; Result := Answer1 xor Answer2; if Answer1 /= Answer2 then Put("The BOOLEAN arrays are not equal."); New_Line; end if; end ArrayOps; -- Result of execution -- The BOOLEAN arrays are not equal.