-- Chapter 26 - Program 1 with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; procedure Timer is package Fix_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO(DAY_DURATION); use Fix_IO; Year,Month,Day : INTEGER; Start,Seconds : DAY_DURATION; Time_And_Date : TIME; begin Put_Line("Begin 3.14 second delay"); delay 3.14; Put_Line("End of 3.14 second delay"); Time_And_Date := Clock; Split(Time_And_Date, Year, Month, Day, Start); -- get start time for Index in 1..9 loop Put("The date and time are now"); Time_And_Date := Clock; Split(Time_And_Date, Year, Month, Day, Seconds); Put(Month, 3); delay 0.2; Put(Day, 3); delay 0.1; Put(Year, 5); delay 0.1; Put(Seconds - Start, 8, 3, 0); New_Line; delay 0.6; end loop; Put_Line("Begin non-accumulative timing loop here."); Time_And_Date := Clock; Split(Time_And_Date, Year, Month, Day, Start); -- get start time for Index in 1..9 loop Time_And_Date := Clock; Split(Time_And_Date, Year, Month, Day, Seconds); Put("The elapsed time is"); Put(Seconds - Start, 8, 3, 0); New_Line; delay DAY_DURATION(Index) - (Seconds - Start); end loop; Time_And_Date := Clock; for Index in 1..12 loop Time_And_Date := Time_And_Date + 0.4; delay until Time_And_Date; Put("Tick "); end loop; New_Line; end Timer; -- Result of Execution -- Begin 3.14 second delay -- End of 3.14 second delay -- The date and time are now 3 22 1997 0.000 -- The date and time are now 3 22 1997 1.090 -- The date and time are now 3 22 1997 2.140 -- The date and time are now 3 22 1997 3.180 -- The date and time are now 3 22 1997 4.230 -- The date and time are now 3 22 1997 5.270 -- The date and time are now 3 22 1997 6.320 -- The date and time are now 3 22 1997 7.360 -- The date and time are now 3 22 1997 8.400 -- Begin non-accumulative timing loop here -- The elapsed time is 0.000 -- The elapsed time is 1.100 -- The elapsed time is 2.030 -- The elapsed time is 3.020 -- The elapsed time is 4.040 -- The elapsed time is 5.030 -- The elapsed time is 6.020 -- The elapsed time is 7.010 -- The elapsed time is 8.000 -- Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick