-- Chapter 27 - Program 3 with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure ManyDogs is task Gourmet is entry Make_A_Hot_Dog(Serial_Number : INTEGER; With_Mustard : BOOLEAN); end Gourmet; task body Gourmet is begin Put_Line("I am ready to make a hot dog for you"); for Index in 1..5 loop accept Make_A_Hot_Dog(Serial_Number : INTEGER; With_Mustard : BOOLEAN) do Put("Put hot dog number"); Put(Serial_Number, 2); Put(" in bun "); if With_Mustard then Put_Line("and add mustard"); else Put_Line("and hold the mustard"); end if; delay 0.8; end Make_A_Hot_Dog; end loop; Put_Line("I am out of hot dogs"); end Gourmet; task Bill; task John; task body Bill is begin for Index in 1..3 loop Gourmet.Make_A_Hot_Dog(Index, FALSE); Put_Line("Bill is eating the hot dog without mustard"); New_Line; end loop; Put_Line("Bill is not hungry any longer"); end Bill; task body John is begin for Index in 1..2 loop Gourmet.Make_A_Hot_Dog(Index, TRUE); Put_Line("John is eating the hot dog with mustard"); New_Line; end loop; Put_Line("John is not hungry any longer"); end John; begin null; end ManyDogs; -- Result of execution -- I am ready to make a hot dog for you -- Put hot dog number 1 in bun and add mustard -- Put hot dog number 1 in bun and hold the mustard -- John is eating the hot dog with mustard -- -- Put hot dog number 2 in bun and add mustard -- Bill is eating the hot dog without mustard -- -- Put hot dog number 2 in bun and hold the mustard -- John is eating the hot dog with mustard -- -- John is not hungry any longer -- Bill is eating the hot dog without mustard -- -- Put hot dog number 3 in bun and hold the mustard -- I am out of hot dogs -- Bill is eating the hot dog without mustard -- -- Bill is not hungry any longer