-- Chapter 29 - Program 4 with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Parallel is DAYS : constant := 7; EMPLOYEES : constant := 11; type WORKED_ARRAY is array (1..EMPLOYEES, 1..DAYS) of INTEGER; type TOTAL_ARRAY is array (1..EMPLOYEES) of INTEGER; Hours_Worked : WORKED_ARRAY; Weekly_Totals : TOTAL_ARRAY; Result : INTEGER; task type SUMMING_TASK_TYPE is entry Start_Sums(E_No : in INTEGER); entry Return_Sum(Result : out INTEGER); end SUMMING_TASK_TYPE; Adding_Task : array(1..EMPLOYEES) of SUMMING_TASK_TYPE; task body SUMMING_TASK_TYPE is Total : INTEGER := 0; Local_E_No : INTEGER; begin accept Start_Sums(E_No : in INTEGER) do Local_E_No := E_No; end Start_Sums; for Index in 1..Days loop Total := Total + Hours_Worked(Local_E_No, Index); end loop; accept Return_Sum(Result : out INTEGER) do Result := Total; end Return_Sum; end SUMMING_TASK_TYPE; begin for Emp_Number in 1..EMPLOYEES loop for Day in 1..DAYS loop Hours_Worked(Emp_Number, Day) := 8; end loop; end loop; Hours_Worked(2, 5) := 3; Hours_Worked(3, 5) := 0; Put_Line("The Hours_Worked array is filled"); -- Start all parallel additions for Emp_Number in 1..EMPLOYEES loop Adding_Task(Emp_Number).Start_Sums(Emp_Number); end loop; -- Get the results back for Emp_Number in 1..EMPLOYEES loop Adding_Task(Emp_Number).Return_Sum(Result); Weekly_Totals(Emp_Number) := Result; end loop; for Emp_Number in 1..EMPLOYEES loop Put("Employee number"); Put(Emp_Number, 3); Put(" worked"); Put(Weekly_Totals(Emp_Number), 3); Put_Line(" hours."); end loop; end Parallel; -- Result of execution -- The Hours_Worked array is filled -- Employee number 1 worked 56 hours -- Employee number 2 worked 51 hours -- Employee number 3 worked 48 hours -- Employee number 4 worked 56 hours -- Employee number 5 worked 56 hours -- Employee number 6 worked 56 hours -- Employee number 7 worked 56 hours -- Employee number 8 worked 56 hours -- Employee number 9 worked 56 hours -- Employee number 10 worked 56 hours -- Employee number 11 worked 56 hours